This product inquiry provides a complete overview of Rental and Sales product information.
The inquiry displays product quantities at all locations or for
a single location, and provides product revenue and cost
information as well as repair history.
Product quantities on Hand, on Order, on Contract, on P.O., on
W.O., and quantities received in the warehouse, are all listed,
along with the List Price and the Cost.
Windows are provided to view more detailed statistics in each of
the areas.
The product information displayed, is view only and cannot be
modified in this inquiry.
Note: When the option to view Open documents is selected
in the Inventory Inquiry, all eligible
open documents with any outstanding products are included in
the display, and all products on those documents are listed
regardless of the individual product status.
Whereas the document windows in this "Product Quantity Inquiry"
using the Open documents selection, only display the
outstanding products on the documents and suppress the
closed or filled products.
The prompts are:
Enter the product number, or the bar code, or first few
characters of the product description, or look it up in the
Product Inquiry Search window
Note: If the Product Inquiry Search
window is used to find the starting product to view, the
PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons can be used
to move through the products in the selection sequence.
i.e. by Product#, within Group, or according to the filtered
Note: This Group prompt is displayed in bold text when the products are being displayed by Group sequence as selected in the Product Inquiry Search window, to move through the products in the group using the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons.
For rental products window to view the rate information specific to this rental item as outlined in Rental Information.
The current meter reading is displayed that is updated when new readings are recorded as the equipment is rented, exchanged, put off or on rent, and returned.
Window to view special pricing for this product as in Special Pricing Search.
Click on the icon to the right of this
field to view the Inventory Re-Order
Information details.
A flag in the Company Inventory
Parameters controls how the Re-Order Price is displayed
in this inquiry.
The value can be displayed on the screen, or suppressed on the
screen and N/A is displayed, or hidden in a window so that
customers viewing the screen can not see the pricing
This is the date after which this sales product is not returnable, as defined in the Inventory Re-Order Information for sales parts.
This is the date when the items were purchased as saved on the Asset Tag Detail.
If Sales Item Average Cost by Location processing has been activated in the Support Application Parameters and this is a sales part, a window is provided on the cost field to view the product Average Cost By Location.
A flag in the Company Inventory
Parameters controls how the current product Book Value
is displayed in this inquiry.
The value can be displayed on the screen, or suppressed on the
screen and N/A is displayed, or hidden in a window so that
customers viewing the screen can not see the cost
The Margin is calculated as a percent of the (Sale Price less Cost) divided by Sale Price.
A flag in the Company Inventory
Parameters controls how the current product Margin is
displayed in this inquiry.
The value can be displayed on the screen, or suppressed on the
screen and N/A is displayed, or hidden in a window so that
customers viewing the screen can not see the cost
Uncheck this box to select a single location for the product count values and the default in the selection screens.
Note: Even if ALL locations are to be viewed, the drill-down to document listings in these windows including the Warehouse Trx window, will only display documents per the location selection, and will respect the operator security defined by Divisional Restricted Views.
Window to view the quantity information by location, for On
Hand, On Order, On Contract, Available, On P.O. and the Bin #, as
outlined in Inventory Location
This inquiry window is not limited by Divisional Restricted Views.
Window to view the orders for this product.
Selection filter options are provided to narrow the search as
outlined in the Sales Order Inquiry.
The operator's Divisional Restricted Views
are respected.
The orders for this product, list by order number, with
location, customer number, name, and quantities ordered, shipped,
and back ordered, with the net price each.
A window on the Order# field is provided to drill down to
complete details on each order as outlined in View Document Information.
When the display is for all locations, transfers are not
specifically defined as the numbers balance out over all
Complete Transfer details can be viewed in Internal Transfer Console.
Window to view the contracts for this product.
Selection filter options are provided to narrow the search,
respecting the operator's Divisional
Restricted Views.
The contracts for this product list by contract number with the
location, customer number, name, status, dates, and quantities.
A window on the Contract# field is provided to drill down to complete details on each contract as outlined in View Document Information.
Window to view the worksheets for this product, respecting the
operator's Divisional Restricted
Worksheets are listed by worksheet number with the type of
Worksheet (C, R, Q) and the location, customer number, name,
status, dates, and quantities.
A window on the Worksheet# field is provided to drill down to complete details on each worksheet as outlined in View Document Information.
Window to view the Inventory Location Quantities window displaying location quantity information of On Hand, On Order, On Contract, Available, On P.O. and the Bin #.
Note: This inquiry window is not limited by Divisional Restricted Views.
Window to view the Purchase Orders for this product.
Selection filter options are provided to narrow the search,
respecting the operator's Divisional
Restricted Views.
The Purchase Orders for this product list by P.O. number with the
location, vendor number, name, and quantities.
A window on the P.O.# field is provided to drill down to complete details on each Purchase Order as outlined in View Document Information.
When the display is for all locations, transfers are not
specifically defined as the numbers balance out over all
Complete Transfer details can be viewed in Internal Transfer Console.
Window to view the Work Orders to service this product.
Selection filter options are provided to narrow the search,
respecting the operator's Divisional
Restricted Views.
The Work Orders for this product list by W.O. number and billing
Windows are provided to drill down to the W.O. information as outlined in View Document Information for Work Orders.
The sales part quantity currently Back Ordered on Work Orders
displays for this location or for all locations, according to the
All Locations selection.
Window to view a list of current W.O.'s for this location that use
this Sales Part.
The W.O.#, location, customer number, name, price, and quantities,
is displayed.
A window on the Order# field is provided to drill down to complete details on each Work Order as outlined in View Document Information.
Note: The Year Start and Period End dates do not apply to the Repair History statistics.
Note: The statistics are always based on the month and year, regardless of the day selected.
Note: The statistics are always based on the month and year, regardless of the day selected.
Additional actions provided by buttons on
the right side of the Product Inquiry screen include:
View Warehouse Receiving Transactions:
Click the WAREHOUSE button on the right of the screen
to view the details of the warehouse receiving, using the selection
filters to select and drill down to the receiving information as
outlined in View Document Information for
Warehouse Receiving Trx.
View Exchange Transactions:
Click the EXCHANGES button on the right of the screen
to view the details of any product exchanges on a contract as
outlined in View Document
Refer to Contract Exchange Inquiry/Report
for details.
View Inventory Inquiry:
Click the INQUIRY button on the right of the screen
to view further details associated with the product in the Inventory Inquiry, including product usage on
documents, related Kits, SSLs, Asset Tags, serial numbers, web
options, safety notes, etc.
View Inventory Movement:
Click the TURNOVER button on the right of the screen
to view details on product use as outlined in Inventory Turnover Inquiry.
View Multiple Products in a Sequence:
Click on the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons
on the right side of the screen to move from one product to the
next in the sequence determined by the original product selection,
defined as follows:
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