Clone Group Rates to Product Rates
Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Rates/Costs/Prices -> Clone Group Rates to
Product Rates
This program provides the ability to globally change the product
rental rates for all products assigned to a selected Group overriding then with the Group rates.
Generally if a product does not have rental rates the Group rates
are used automatically and do not have to be copied to the
products, but this utility can be useful if all products in the
Group use a similar pricing structure with slight variations.
The rates can be copied to all products in the Group, then specific
products can be manually adjusted.
Confirm Source Group Rates prior to cloning:
Before cloning the Group Rates, verify that the Rental Rates
assigned to the Groups are correct and
ready to be cloned as follows:
- In the Rental Information window of Groups, click on the
beside the Use Group Rates for Group Bookings field to
access the Group Rates.
Verify that all rates for this Group are correct before cloning
them to the rental products.
- In the Rental Information window of Groups, confirm that the Clone Group Rates
box is also checked for relevant Groups to be eligible for cloning
the rates to the products.
The prompts to select the Groups to clone are:
- Uncheck this box to manually build a list of Groups in the table below in preparation for
cloning rates to the products.
Check this box to populate the Group table below with a list of
eligible Groups within a selection range
as follows:
- Leave this field blank to include all eligible Groups, or enter
the starting Group # for the range, or select it from the Group Search window.
- Leave this field blank to include all Groups, or enter the
ending Group #, or select it from the window.
- Select one of the following product filters:
- Click Bulk to only clone Group rates to the bulk rental
- Click Non-Bulk to only clone Group rates to single
non-bulk products.
- Click All to clone rates to both bulk and non-bulk
rental products.
- This field can be used to restrict the rate update for non-bulk
rental equipment to only non-bulk rentals belonging to a specific
division, as defined by the Owning Division on the Fixed
Asset Tag.
Accept ALL for non-bulk equipment from all divisions, or select a
specific division from the drop-down list.
This field is disabled if only Bulk products are to be
Resulting Group List:
The resulting list of eligible Groups is displayed on the
Groups can be added or removed from the list, but only Groups flagged to Clone Group Rates are
eligible to be included in the list.
A window is provided in the Group# field to search for
Groups as outlined in Group Search.
Click ACCEPT to initiate the clone when the list is complete, or
CANCEL to abort.
When accepted, any existing rates will be over-written by the Group
rates for products in the selected Groups.
Note: Be advised that once executed, this operation cannot be
Hence, prior to running this request, verify in the play
environment that the results obtained from running this operation
are as expected.
Additional actions provided by buttons on
the Clone Group Rates to Products screen include:
- Copy the Product Class Rates to the Group
Click the BY CLASS button at the bottom of the screen
to update the Group rates from the Product Class as outlined in
Update Group Rates from Product Class
Copy the Group Discount Rates to the Products
Click the DISC % button at the bottom of the screen
to update the rates by discount percent from the Groups down to the
Products in the associated Groups, as outlined in Clone Group Rate Discounts to Products.
Rates will only be copied if the product already includes the rate
code it its rate structure.
Topic Keyword: RSGF15