Exchange By Contract

Counter Menu -> Exchanges Menu -> Exchanges by Contract

Counter Menu -> Exchanges Menu -> Exchanges by Customer -> Contract option -> Exchanges by Contract

Sometimes equipment may need to be exchanged on a contract if a rental item stops working, or needs to be returned to the repair shop for maintenance or cleaning.
By recording a product exchange, the product information on the contracts is kept accurate.

Use this utility to generate a specific product exchange on a specific contract.
Exchanges By Customer can be used instead, if a customer is returning multiple products at one time from multiple contracts.

Equipment can be exchanged as many times as is required. The exchange replaces the product number on the contract with the new product number. Only the product numbers are actually changed. The date and time out, the quantity and the rental rate remain the same as the original contract.

Generally, it is serialized (non-bulk) equipment which is being exchanged, e.g. one 300 CFM Compressor for another 300 CFM Compressor.
Bulk equipment can also be exchanged, but only if the total quantity for the product detail is exchanged. A partial quantity on a detail line cannot be exchanged.
By doing the product exchange, the product information on the contracts is kept accurate.

Refer to Counter Procedures for a flow chart diagramming the equipment exchange process.

Customizable Exchange Parameter Settings:
Because most rental firms have varying preferred business practices, Texada SRM provides a series of parameters to define and control the functionality of the software.
Refer to Equipment Exchange Tunable Parameters for a comprehensive list of these tunable settings, both company wide in Company Parameters and by division or store in the Division Parameters.

Select Contract Exchanges. The prompts are:

Select one of the following methods of reporting a product exchange:
  • Select Contract to continue using this utility to report the exchange.
  • Select Customer to switch to the Exchanges By Customer to enter the exchange.

Note: Your preference will be the default the next time this option is utilized.

In Add mode, the next available exchange transaction number is automatically assigned.

Enter the desired contract number or look it up in the window as outlined in Contract Search.
A window will open displaying all rental items on the contract with the product#, description, status and quantity.
The product list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the column heading.
Columns can also be dragged and dropped to temporarily reposition them as required.

To select an product from the list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button. Select the item to be exchanged.

NOTE: Sales Items can not be exchanged. This program is intended for rentals only.

PPSR Discharge Date Update
The update Discharge Dates for the Personal Property Security Register (PPSR) request is triggered when the "Activate Contract Detail Additional Options" feature is activated in the Divisional Contract Parameters and the non-bulk rental assets being exchanged has an associated PPSR record logged on this Contract in the Contract Detail Additional Options.
This is the date the asset was removed from the PPSR portal and this is important to record to ensure upkeep of the online PPSR register.

Click No if the Discharge Dates do not need to be updated at this time and the dates in the Contract Detail Additional Options should apply.
Click Yes to update the Discharge Dates in the PPSR Product Information window as the products are being removed from the Contract.

Accept the sequence number of the rental product detail on the contract that is displayed on the screen.

The Select Item To Exchange window can be re-accessed to view rental items on the contract and re-select the rental item to be exchanged as outlined above.

This defaults to the operator's location as defined in Operators, and can be changed according to the operator's location restrictions.

If the operator has access and the default is not correct, enter the location to which the old equipment is being returned, or select one from the drop-down list.
Only inventory locations can be selected, as flagged in Divisions.

If the return location differs from the contract location, then a transfer record is generated for the old equipment, as it is now at this new location.
The transfer records can be viewed, printed, and posted in Inventory Transfers.
A comment is written in the Transfer Notes field stating the source of the transfer as an equipment exchange with the corresponding exchange slip number.

The product number just selected and its description appear on the screen. Visually confirm that this is the correct item.
The current status of this product displays on the screen.
The current quantity displays on the screen.
If the rental product has a quantity greater than one on the detail line, this total quantity must be exchanged. Partial quantities on a detail line cannot be exchanged.
The date out and time out of the original product display on the screen.
This date and time will be used to set the starting product requirement record for the new product, as displayed in Requirements Inquiry By Product/Group.
The date due and time due of the original product display on the screen.
This date and time will be used to set the expected ending product requirement record for the new product, as displayed in Requirements Inquiry By Product/Group.
If the product is tracking meter or blade usage a window opens displaying the product number, description and the out meter reading.
Enter the current meter reading.

Enter the new product # which will replace the existing product, or search for it in the Inventory Search window.
Exchange Restrictions:
  • The products in the search window can be restricted to the same Product Class, according to the setting in the Company Contract Parameters that controls whether the new and exchanged products must be in the same Class.
    If separate classes are permitted all products are displayed in the search window, but the product selected must belong to a Product Classes that has the same 'Billing Type' and 'Hour/Shift' for Meter Charge, in order to maintain consistent billing flow.
  • Products flagged not to rent or depreciate or exchange in Product Status Codes Menu, can not be exchanged onto a contract.
    Replacement and exchange products must use the same rental conversion factor in order to maintain consistent product quantities.

  • The customer must also have sufficient insurance or Damage Waiver to cover the Replacement Cost of the new product, when the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature has been activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings.

  • If the flag to restrict Non-Bulk Allowed On One Contract/Worksheet Only is set in the Company Security Parameters then a warning is thrown if a non-bulk rental product is already on another open Contract or Worksheet, and the product cannot be assigned the contract.

  • There is no restriction exchanging a Metered product from or to a Non-Metered product.

PPSR Applicable
The "Is PPSR applicable for the new exchanged product?" prompt is only triggered if the "Activate Contract Detail Additional Options" feature is activated in the Divisional Contract Parameters and the new product is a non-bulk rental asset.

Click No if the PPSR does not apply or does not need to be updated in the Contract Detail Additional Options at this time.

Click Yes to update the PPSR Product Information in the Contract Detail Additional Options.
If this product was previously on this Contract, then any previously PPSR values will display as the defaults in the Contract Detail Additional Options window.

An audit record in written to the Audit Log in the "PPSR Changes" category for RSEX01, to track the date and time that the Discharge Date was entered, with the message, operator, contract#, and customer#.

Meter Window
If the new product is tracking meter or blade usage a window opens displaying the product number, description and the current meter reading. Accept this reading or type in the correct meter reading, as outlined in Update Product Meter Information.

Accept the today's date for the exchange, or enter the correct date of the exchange.

Accept the time displayed on the screen, or enter the correct time of the exchange.

Note: If rate changes have been made to the product on the contract using the Update Contract Rental Pricing utility, the product cannot be exchanged prior to the effective date of the rate change, as related billing adjustments could not be made as of the old rate structure.

An optional Pickup Slip number can be assigned that will print on the Exchange Slip from Print Exchange Slip.
There is no validation of any prior use of this slip number.

Enter any related exchange notes.
These notes print on the Contract Exchange Inquiry/Report, on the Contract, on the Exchange Slip, and on the Invoice generated.

A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Select one of the following document options:

  • Select Contract to reprint the Contract.
  • Select Exchange Slip to print now. The Exchange Slip can always be printed later from Print Exchange Slip.
  • Select Don't Print to prevent printing anything at this time.

A Name Check List window can be triggered to control who can and cannot do business with your firm on behalf of this customer as outlined in the Name Check Select.
The selected name from the Check List displays on the document header screen and prints on the document after the comment script.

If a name was selected from the Check List, the name displays and cannot be changed.
If no name was selected from the Check List, enter the name of the person requesting this exchange.

Uncheck this box if access to view or change the services on the contract is not required at this time.
Check this box to access the contract services. After the product exchange is accepted the contract totals window appears, where services, additional deposits, etc. can be added or changed.

When the replacement "New Product Number" is a Re-Rent product as defined in the Rental Product Class, the Purchase Order Information screen is triggered to capture the required PO information if the operator has "Document Field Access" permission to the "Contract - Change Linked P.O." in the Security Role Permissions.
No P.O. is created for the re-rent product if the operator does not have role permission.

Refer to Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview for details on product eligibility, rules, and configuration of this feature.

If the Prompt for Product Returned in Exchanges flag in the Company Security Parameters has NOT been activated, the returned product is considered eligible to rent or to service after the exchange is accepted and this field is disabled.

If this return prompt is activated in the Company Security Parameters, the following options are provided:

  • Uncheck this box if the exchanged product is NOT back in the shop ready to be rented or to be serviced.
    After the exchange is accepted, this product will NOT be flagged as available.
    Instead, it will have a status of E (Exchanged), until it is confirmed returned in Confirm Exchange Pickup.

    Note: If the Update Product Status Code processing in the "Product Exchange Settings" is activated in the Divisional Return Parameters, and the product is NOT yet returned, the prompt to update the product Status Code will be suppressed until the exchange is confirmed in Confirm Exchange Pickup.

  • Check this box if the exchanged product does not require any confirmation and is either ready to rent, is back for service, or needs a change to the product Status Code.

    The following actions may be triggered when the equipment is returned:

    This window is triggered if any non-bulk rental products were returned, that belong to a Group that is flagged to generate a Work Order at return or exchange, and the equipment as been flagged as available, as outlined in Create Work Orders For Returned Equipment.

    Any resulting Work Orders can be printed after the exchange is completed.

    If the Update Product Status Code processing in the "Product Exchange Settings" is activated in the Divisional Return Parameters, the Product Status Code window displays showing the old Status Code and the new Status Code.
    The operator can accept the new code, select another code, or reject the code change.

    The Stop Auto Status Change For No Rent flag can be set to prevent the product Status Code from being updated in Rental Return, and Contract Exchanges when the non-bulk rental product has a current status that does 'not allow rental'.

    The Product Check List for service maintenance prints if the processing in the "Product Exchange Settings" is activated in the Divisional Return Parameters, and the product's group is flagged to print a service Check List for this new Status Code in Status Code Actions By Group.

    A Work Order is generated for service on the product if the new product Status Code is flagged in Status Code Actions By Group.

    This window is triggered if a bulk rental product was returned, that belongs to a Group that is flagged to set an availability time delay to allow for service after return or exchange, as outlined in Bulk Item Time Delay.

The product details can remain in the sequence that they were entered, or they can be re-sorted to display on the screen and to print on the document in a preferred order.
Refer to Document Sort Preference for more information about this divisional controlled feature.
This window appears only if the option to view contract services was selected.
The contract details, services, deposits, etc. can all be accessed and changed if required. This window is the same as the totals window displayed in Contracts Totals.

This prompt applies only if the Contract is to be reprinted.
Click YES to print the dollar amounts and totals extensions on the contract.

Click NO to print the contract without dollar amounts and totals.

This prompt only appears when a single contract is to be printed with no extensions, and if the option to Prompt to Print Rates when Suppressing Extensions is activated in the Divisional Contract Parameters for the document's division, as outlined in Print Product Rates.

Upgrading or Downgrading Equipment During a Product Exchange
The Exchange Products programs are intended to be a direct and equal exchange of equipment on a contract.

Rates Stay The Same:
If the rate is to remain the same, e.g. the customer requested a 300 CFM Compressor but none are left in stock and the next available item must be used, then use one of the Exchange Products On Contracts options to make the exchange on the contract.
If a rental item needs to be replaced with one that is not the same size or rental rate (e.g. exchange a 300 CFM Compressor for a 750 CFM Compressor), any change required to the rental rate can be made manually on the contract.

NOTE: When the new item is recorded on the contract, the original selected rate is used in the RATIO of the rates on the new item.
For example, if the old item charged $10 per day, and the new item has rates with $15 per day, this is a ratio of .6667. If the equipment is out for a week, this ratio is applied to the new product's weekly rate in order to calculate the rate. Generally the rates calculated using the ratio will be the same as the weekly rate for the old product, providing the old product and the new product use the same rate structure (e.g. both use 4 times the Daily rate equals the Weekly Rate, and both use 3 times the Weekly rate equals the Monthly rate).

Rates Change:
If the rate is to change, either rise or fall, do NOT use Exchange Products to achieve the exchange. Instead, follow these steps:
  1. Either Off Rent the original product number using Off Rentals by Contract or return the original product number using Rental Return.
  2. Add the new product number to the contract in Contracts .
    When adding the item, press Window Key at the EACH prompt, so that the DATE/TIME OUT may be altered to be the same date used for the OFF RENT DATE/TIME or the RETURN DATE/TIME as entered for the original equipment.

These steps ensure that the contract information is accurate, and that any subsequent billing to the customer is clear. This avoids any conflicts with the customer over the exchange.

Additional actions provided by buttons on the Exchange screen include:

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