This report is a prior date report that lists each customer with
amounts owed printed in five aging categories: Current, 31-60 Days,
61-90 Days, 91-120 Days, and Over 120 Days. The unpaid invoice
details include the invoice# with document date, due date, PO#, and
the invoice amount, discount and unpaid balance.
This is the detailed report corresponding to Aged A/R Summary.
The Aged A/R report can be generated for an earlier period.
This program recreates the customer account status as of a selected
cutoff date. It uses the Payment History and accurately identifies
the exact invoices that were paid.
The option is provided to print the output or export it to an
Excel spreadsheet.
When printed to a spreadsheet, the document division is listed in
the first column of the data, and the aging information is printed
for each invoice.
An option is provided to also print a line on the spreadsheet to
summarize the Aging Totals.
There is also an option to print the prior date report in an Expanded format. If selected, the report prints aging periods for 91 - 120 days, 121 - 150 days, 151 - 180 days, and OVER 180 days.
The P.O.# on the spreadsheet reflects both the P.O. posted on the AR transaction and the P.O. assigned to the Invoice if they are different.
The prompts are:
Accept today's date as the cut-off date or enter a preferred cut-off date.
NOTE: Invoices or payments posted after the cut-off date will not print and are not included in the Totals.
Check this box to age the account using the current month
e.g. If the current month end was February 28th, an invoice issued
January 31st would be aged as 31-60 Days (with the rest of January
Uncheck this box to age the invoices according to invoice
e.g. If the month end was Feb 28th, an invoice dated Jan. 31st
would be Current.
Uncheck this box to select a currency.
Uncheck this box to select a salesman.
The divisions included in the report output are restricted by
the Access Values assigned to the
For more information on this security feature refer to Divisional Restricted Views.
Check this box to print the complete history of the account, including both unpaid invoices (transactions with a balance), and paid invoices (transactions with a zero balance).
Check this box to age the report by the Due Date of the
Uncheck this box to group the aging categories as just Current, 31-60, 61-90, and Over 90.
Select one of the following Salesman sources for the invoice details to print on the Excel output:
Click Customer to list the salesman assigned in the
Customer Information.
If the output is being generated for a single Salesman per the
Salesman Code field above, all invoices for a customer that
has been assigned the selected Salesman in Customer Codes are returned on the output,
regardless of the salesman on the document.
Note: The report output always selects by Customer Salesman as assigned in Customer Codes.
Check this box to print an extra line for each Customer with the
Aging Totals. The aging at the invoice level will always print.
Uncheck this box if the summarized Aging Totals by customer is not
required on the output.
Note: Because the program uses the Payment History, this option may not be accurate if the A/R has ever been compressed.
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