Reverse a Cycle Billed Invoice

Back Office Menu -> Cycle Billing -> Bill A Single Contract -> REVERSE button -> Reverse a Cycle Billed Invoice

Counter Menu -> Miscellaneous Invoices / Point Of Sale Invoices -> DELETE button -> Delete a Single Invoice-> Reverse a Cycle Billed Invoice

Because product details on invoices generated from interim cycle billings from Cycle Billing - Generate Invoices or Bill A Single Contract cannot be modified or deleted in Miscellaneous Invoices, any billing corrections must be made by reversing the invoice.

Reversing the Cycle Billing resets the billed dates and amounts on the contract and any sales product quantities sold are returned to stock.
Based on the operator's Security Role Permissions reversing the Cycle Billed Invoice can either create a Credit Invoice to "undo" the billing, or can just Delete the incorrect invoice and re-instate the Deposit.
The source Contract can then be re-billed correctly.

This reverse requires that the Invoice:

Note: If multiple interim invoices need to be corrected for a contract, it is recommended to issue Credit memos for each of the incorrect invoices and close the Contract and create a new Contract to continue billing forward correctly.

There are two approaches to reversing the Invoice transactions associated with the Cycle Billing:

Note: If the operator has role permission to both Delete & Credit the Cycle Billed Invoice on reversal, a selection pop-up will be triggered to select the preferred action for this reversal.

The prompts are:

Enter the invoice number generated from a cycle billed contract, or select it from the Invoice Search window.

Note: When the Invoice Search is triggered from this reverse utility, only invoices that have been generated from a Cycle Billing are returned in the search list and only Current or History invoices can be selected.
Cycle Billed Invoices in Batch can be viewed but cannot be reversed as they are committed to a Daily Close run.

Delete Allowed Only Warning:
If the selected invoice is NOT Current and the operator only has permission to "Reverse & Delete a Cycle Billed Invoice" as defined in the "Delete" window of Security Role Permissions a warning is triggered and the reversal is stopped.

Error Warnings:
Any condition that prevents the reversal of this Cycle Billing is displayed.
Refer to the "Restrictions" list above.

Remove Bad Risk Entry:
If the cash customer on this invoice has any records logged on the Bad Risk Customers file because of a "Cash Short" transaction and this customer has no remaining posted invoices on account, deleting the invoice triggers the option to also remove the 'Bad Risk' transaction entries.
Deleting the Bad Risk record also resets the customer's “Statement Output” flag to “No” and clears the “Date Of Next Call” that was generated from a Cash Short transaction.
Click YES to deleted the 'Bad Risk' transaction specified in the pop-up window, or NO to leave that record for the customer on the Bad Risk Customers file.

The source contract number is displayed.

The customer number and billing name from the contract display. These will be reflected on the invoice if a Credit Invoice is created.

The previous billed date and time prior to the last billing are displayed.
When the billing reversal is completed, each reversed detail is updated individually on the contract to the previous last billed date and previous last Accumulated Billing value for that detail line.

Note: Any Credit billings on the Invoice for products or services are not reversed, as this would make a positive charge.

Click ACCEPT to complete the reversal and to either create the Credit invoice or delete the reversed invoice, or click CANCEL to abort.

Note: If the operator has role permission to both Delete & Credit the Cycle Billed Invoice on reversal, a selection pop-up will be triggered to select the preferred action for this reversal.

Credit Invoice Date Control:
If a Credit Invoice was created the resulting invoice is dated the same date as the original Cycle Billed Invoice unless the date falls outside of the date range defined for RSIH in Date Range Control.
If the Cycle Billed Invoice was dated before the 'From Date' for RSIH, the Credit Invoice will be set to the 'From Date' and if the Cycle Billed Invoice was dated after the 'To Date', he Credit Invoice will be set to the 'To Date'.

Crediting Services:
Only Services that are marked as Bill Every Cycle Billing in the Services table, can automatically be reversed in 'Reverse a Cycle-Billed Invoice', so the Information Log dialogue box is generated to alert the operator when there are other services from the contract on that invoice that could not be reversed and may need to be added manually to the Credit Invoice as required.
The service list includes the Service code, description, quantity and extended price.
The option to print or export the list is provided and a warning is displayed advising the operator to re-add any service lines to the Contract for those services if they need to be billed on the next invoice.

Services generated from Class Services or Group Services are not included in this list as they will be recalculated automatically when the next invoice is generated.

Note: Any additional product or service billings that have been added to the Cycle Billed invoice in Miscellaneous Invoices will not be reversed so will need to be added manually to the Credit Invoice if required.

Crediting Meter Billing:
If Cycle Billed meter usage charges were credited when the Invoice was reversed, the meter usage count is not updated in the Meter History.
The Current and LTD meter count can be updated manually if require

Deleted Invoice Tracking:
If the incorrect Cycle Billed invoice was deleted, an audit record is written to the Delete Log for RSCD37C.

Topic Keyword: RSCD37 (5102)
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