Vertex Connection Information

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Taxing Parameters -> Vertex Connection Information

This screen can be used to capture the web services connection information used by Vertex tax software.
It can be accessed from the window in the Company Taxing Parameters.

The prompts in the Vertex Connection Information window for Vertex -Version 'O' are:

Vertex Settings:
This value controls which version of Vertex O series will be used to connect to Vertex.
Select one of the following scripts from the drop-down list:
  • (or c:\scsbin\ to activate the V4.1 version of O series
  • to activate the V6.0 version of O series
  • to activate the V9.0 version of O series

Check one of the following addresses to be the default in the Vertex Information on the documents, on which to base the document's tax calculation:
  • Select Bill To to use the billing address on the document. This is the default.
  • Select Ship To to use the shipping address on the document if there is a Province/State provided.

This default can always be changed on the document in the Vertex Information window.

Live / Play / Train Environments:
Three database levels of the software can be run using separate Vertex controls, including Live, Play, and Training companies.
Each environment can be setup separately as follows:
Enter the HTTP: IP address provided by Vertex.

With Vertex Script V9.0 O the option to access Vertex by "Trusted ID" is provided.
Check this box to replace the "Password" field below with the "Trusted ID" input field.

Uncheck this box to access Vertex by User Name and Password.

Enter the Vertex access name provided by Vertex.

Enter the corresponding access password provided by Vertex.

When the "Use Trusted ID" option is checked with version V9.0 O enter the ID provided by Vertex.

A TEST button is provided to test each of the types of connection credentials.

Note: If the Play company connection information is not setup, it will try to use Train company connection, and vice versa.
If neither Play nor Train are setup it will use the Live connection for Play and Train companies but all calculations will be done in "Quote" mode and will not be stored nor affect reporting.

Parameters Impacted
When this processing is used certain standard company and division features and options are restricted to the settings outlined in Vertex Compatible Parameter Settings.

Vertex Address Validation:
Vertex tax processing uses the address on the document, and the address of the store division, to formulate the appropriate tax calculation.

Basic Vertex setup requires a valid address to be entered for the store locations in Divisions.
Valid addresses that default to the documents, should also be entered for customers in Customer Information, and for sites in Customer Site Information.

Vertex Information on the Document

Note: The utility Vertex Tax Calculation Trace can be used to view the taxing information for a document that Vertex Software calculates and returns to Texada SRM.

The option to set the "Postal/Zip Code" and "Ship To City" to be mandatory input fields is controlled in the Required Document Information fields set in the Company Contract Parameters.

Tax Utilities
The Tax Codes table is populated automatically with the Tax codes Y and NTX when the Vertex processing is first activated. The G/L accounts for posting must be entered manually. However any Tax rate % that is entered in this table is ignored, as Vertex maintains the tax rates.

Province/State Codes is populated automatically when the Vertex processing is activated. Any discounts offered by Province or State are controlled by Vertex.

GEOCode Inquiry can be used to view valid Vertex tax codes.

Contact Texada Support for further implementation information of this tax calculation feature.

Topic Keyword: GLCN90C (3824)
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